Lactalis CZ streamlines expense and travel management with expense@work from LLP Group
Lactalis CZ, the Czech market leader in the production of dairy desserts and creams under the brand Mlékárna Kunín, and the producer and distributor of Galbani mozzarella, President and Leerdammer cheeses, has implemented the innovative expense@work system from LLP Group to manage business travel and cash expenses.
The goal of the implementation was to simplify, digitalize, and automate the processes for approving and reimbursement of business trips and other cash expenses. Before adopting the expense@work system, Lactalis CZ used manual processes based on Excel spreadsheets, which were no longer adequate in terms of efficiency, user-friendliness, and auditability.
The new expense@work system covers the entire business travel process from travel request approval to expenses approval and reimbursement, based on the predefined approval process. The automatic calculation of meal allowances and other expenses from the business trip such as accommodation, parking, fares as well as other minor expenses are clearly recorded in the system and then automatically integrated into the company’s financial information system. Employees can easily access the system through a web interface, but also via the mobile app, which has significantly speeded up and simplified the entire approval process, while also significantly reducing the number of administrative tasks for individual employees.
„The implementation of the expense@work system has helped us significantly to simplify the agenda of business trips and petty cash. The high flexibility of the system allowed us to tailor the processes to our requirements while maintaining the user-friendliness of the entire system. Cooperation with LLP Group was always swift and, together with our internal team, it created a project synergy,” said Jiří Rokos, IT Manager of Lactalis CZ.
Key benefits of the system include:
Digitization of cash expense and business travel requests (replacing paper forms)
Comprehensive and flexible approval process
Easy approval of requests through mobile app
Improved overview for managers and executives
Simplified work for the finance department
Automation of posting – replacing manual data entry into the accounting system
The expense@work system is used by more than 200 employees across 4 locations: the main headquarters in Prague, production plants Mlékárna Kunín and Mlékárna Klatovy, and the branch in Slovakia.
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